
Resident Evil 4 Strategy Guide

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In 2007, the game was released for the Wii titled Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition. This version allowed players to choose from different control schemes such as the Wiimote and Nunchuk, Classic controller, and the GameCube controller. This walkthrough covers the main game in Resident Evil 4. It was written by Mark Ryan Sallee when the first version came out. Separate Ways and Assignment Ada were two bonus game modes that came.

The cynical mind is a patient one. A well-honed cynic knows that with enough time, good things will eventually come to an end. It’s why on even the brightest days they’ll say, “Don’t get too excited. It’s going to rain.” It’s also why a small group of gamers didn’t share in on the festivities when Resident Evil 4 was released on January 11, 2005. While the rest of the world was busy celebrating the debut of what was considered by nearly everyone to be an instant classic, these gamers stood on the sidelines shaking their head at how this latest installment was a mockery.

Resident Evil 4 Walkthrough

StrategyResidentResident Evil 4 Strategy Guide

'It's not even a true Resident Evil title,' they said. Or, as of the game more elegantly put it, 'We're not entirely convinced though that the long-term adventurer will appreciate having the need for lateral thought replaced with action.' Those that doubted Resident Evil 4 insisted they didn’t want to rain on everyone else's parade, but they also couldn’t help but point to those clouds on the horizon. At the time, everyone else laughed.