
Pokemon Glazed Wiki

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  1. Pokemon Glazed Pokemon Locations

Pokemon Glazed Pokemon Locations

Below is a list of current World Records in recognized categories as of this page's last edit. Clicking on a game's name will lead to the information about that game on this wiki, while clicking on a category name will lead to a page of other times in that particular game/category. Following, a run will only be recognized as a World Record on this page if it meets these criteria: • The run must follow all of the rules for its particular category. Hack 3ds game cartridge. • The run must be played on an official console platform which is not explicitly banned for that particular category. • The run must be presented in a single video from start to finish. • There is one exception to the above: Any run video which is in exactly two parts due to Twitch activating quality options on the (non-partnered) channel will be allowed. The first part must not have quality options and the second part must have them.