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Casey, a former elementary school teacher, grew up in a house filled with God’s Word, watching as her grandmother hosted Bible studies and home church groups. That passion for taking the Gospel outside of traditional church settings now rests on Casey who began holding “pop up worship” events in public spaces.

New Music Mp3 Download 2017
For The Gathering album, Casey and friends recorded at the park-like setting of Serenbe just outside of Atlanta. The resulting 10-track album captures the beauty and power of corporate worship with an eclectic style that mixes Gospel, Pop and Americana influences and lyrics that connect with and those who may know nothing about church. You can watch some of the live recording at “If God/Nothing But The Blood” video and “The Gathering” title track video. Also, Casey performs acoustic versions of both songs at “The Gathering” and “If God/Nothing But The Blood”. From Casey: “It all started with the question, ‘What about the people who aren’t coming to church?’.
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